It’s estimated that each year property owners spend over two billion dollars to get rid of termites. Termites aren’t just gross. They have the potential to destroy the foundation of your house.
That means that on top of extermination costs, you’ll also likely need to deal with extensive repairs. As such, you need to begin the process of termite extermination as soon as you notice signs of them.
But exactly how long does it take to get rid of termites? And how do you find quality pest control? In this guide, we’ll be answering these questions so you can begin the process of termite extermination as soon as possible.
How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of Termites?
The main thing that will determine how long it takes to get rid of the pests is the type of termite treatments you decide on. There are two main types: baits and sprays.
Baits work by attracting termite soldiers with poisoned food, who then bring it back to their colony. Sprays work by targeting dense areas of the population which workers will then spread themselves (which they can’t smell).
In terms of which of the termite solutions is the quickest, spraying wins every day. If done correctly, it has the potential to destroy termites in forty-eight hours.
Baits, on the other hand, can take up to six months. That being said, sprays often aren’t as effective as baits in the long run. As such, it’s more likely that you’ll need to hire a professional for repeat sprayings.
Factors That Can Affect the Length of the Extermination
Other factors can affect the time length when getting rid of termites The first is the size of your property. The larger it is, the more time it will take for a professional to cover it.
The second is the extent of the infestation. If the termite colony is well-established it’s going to take a lot more time and resources to deal with them. Lastly, the experience of the professional. A good exterminator will be much more quick on the job than a new one.
How to Find Pest Control Near You
Remember there’s a big difference between finding pest control and quality pest control. So when you’re searching make sure that you check out online reviews beforehand. You want something that has a lot of positive past customer experiences on your side.
You also want someone who gives you affordable rates that they stick to with your termite infestation. If you need a recommendation, you can’t go wrong with in Jacksonville.
Lastly, make sure that they’re not just killing a few termites. Unless they’re targeting the actual colony, it’s simply not going to matter.
Appreciate Learning About Pest Control? Keep Exploring
We hope this guide helped you answer the question, How long does it take to get rid of termites? As you can see, the answer depends on a variety of factors.
As such, you should get an exterminator out to your house today so you can get a more accurate estimate. Want more helpful advice on how to get rid of pests? We have an endless stream of topics on our website so keep exploring to find them all.